Wuxuu dhaliilay sida aan u higgaadiyey ereyada qaarkood. Farriintiisu waxay ku qornayd af Soomaali iyo Ingiriis. Aan idinla wadaago talada Abwaanku i siiyay:
Please pay attention to my advice:
1-try to learn well (learn your ability and your personality the first and second Language,the the way to translate-you should know that translation is a knowledge without it you can't translate!.
2-criticise yourself before others,that is to correct your deeds.
3-the study is not to argue or to debate,it is to learn deeply and perfectly.
4-read more and try to write more and to practice with the owners(natives) and who knows influently.
5-don't chase after the others where you are in mistake and misunderstood.
Do you remember when I though you the difference between "I & We" and it's use equally sometimes!!!,my School is open for all.aply u will be permitted.
Warcelinta aan u diray Abwaan Mursan Xuseen waa tan:
Dear Mursal,
I am will be happy to join your school but you wrote
Do you remember when I though you the difference between "I & We" and it's use equally sometimes!!!,my School is open for all.aply u will be permitted. Did you mean taught?I wrote the Somali piece in 2006 when I was puzzled by the way we write Somali especially by those who are paid to translate into or write in Somali. I must have said af Soomaaliga which is correct but many Somalis, like me, write afka Soomaaliga. You write what you see; I started a debate; my aim was not to claim knowledge of Somali language. Again, remember, it is the job of the website editor to edit. Why do they publish anything?
I replied to you in English because I think you are confident in communicating in English because you concluded your email in English. Thanks for pointing out the inconsistent spellings; since 2006 I have learned a lot about Somali spelling. Where is your school based?
By the way Ramadan Karim
Four your information Mursal is a poet: his poems were publsihed in such websites as oodweynenews. This is one of his poems.
Hordhacan baa la socda maansada
Walaal waxan kuu soo tebinayaa salaantaa qaaliga ah ee Islaamka sidoo kle waxan salaamayaa Abwaanka Siciid Suleeymaan ee ay ka soo maaxatay Maansada Shiinleyda ah ee Shaamareer,waxan jecelahay anigoon shahaado ku sidan gabayga siduu dalbaday inaan Maanso gaaban oo sharraxuu Abwaanku dalbaday wax ka taabanaysa iyadoo ishaaraysa cidda arrimahan loogu noqonayo iyo sida loo gaadhayo sababaha iyo dawadoodaba ay ku xidhan tahay in bulshada qaybeheeda kulanno lala sameeyo oo ra’yigooda la isu geeyo deed laga soo saaro natiijada iyo sida dhibta jirta loo daweeynayo Maansada oo la yidhaahdo Shaqo gal waatan
Can Abwaan Mursal tell me why he used waxan when he could use waxaan? I have ignorted the spelling mistakes in the introductory note.
He signed his poems with Abwaan Mursan Xuseen. Does he call he call himself an Abwaan?