Monday, 22 June 2009

How BBC Somali Service frustrates efforts of students learning Somali as a second language

In a BBC Somali Service programme (04:00 GMT) Yoonis Cali Nuur, a veteran broadcaster introduces an interview with Maxamuud Guure, a member of the London based Somali Concern. In the audio clip Siciid Cali Muuse of the BBC Somali Service is interviewing Mr Guure. Yoonis Cali Nuur's introductory remarks were: " Maxamuud Guure oo ururkaasi ka tirsan ayaa Siciid Cali Muuse Waxa uu weyddiiyey sida ay u arkaan in dhibaatooyinka loo xallin karo." To the Somali language learner or anyone familiar with the Somali language grammar, Yoonis's introductory remarks mean the oppossite of what he wanted to say: that Mr Guure has interviewed Siciid Cali Muuse. This is another example about how we, Somalis, take liberty with Somali grammar and expect listeners or readers to understand us because we assume they know the situation or the roles of people in the story or a piece of writing: Since Siciid Cali Muuse is one of the BBC Somali Service broadcasters a Somali listener may pay less attention to the grammaticality of a sentence, and conclude that it is only a BBC staff member who interviews someone at the BBC. The focus word ayuu in reference to Siciid Cali Muuse would render the introductory remarks grammatically correct, and save a transcriber or translator confusion."Maxamuud Guure oo ururkaasi ka tirsan ayuu Siciid Cali Muuse weyddiiyey sida ay u arkaan in dhibaatooyinka loo xallin karo" or “Siciid Cali Muuse ayaa weyddiiyey Maxamuud Guure oo ururkaasi ka tirsan sida ay u arkaan in dhibaatooyinka loo xallin karo.”

Friday, 12 June 2009

Laanta af Soomaaliga ee BBCda iyo Naxwaha af Soomaaliga

Laanta af Soomaaliga ee BBCdu waxay ogaatay baahida loo qabo barashada naxwaha af Soomaaliga oo waxay samaysay bogag xambaarsan xog afeed iyo mid warbaahineed. Sidee bay xogtaas wax u tartaa shaqaalaha Laanta af Soomaaliga ee BBCda? Akhritow, aan kula wadaago warbixintan ku saabsan hoos u dhaca dhaqaalaha adduunka. Imisa gef naxweed baa ku jira wabixinta?