Sunday, 8 July 2007

Degelka af Soomaaliga waa madal la isku weydaarsado xogta ku saabsan horumarinta af Soomaaliga si loogu baraarujiyo akkristayaasha iyo qorayaasha waxtarka ay leedahay adeegsiga xeerarka qoraalka af Soomaaliga. Waa sida keliya keliya ee loo joojin karo hoos u dhaca ku yimid af Soomaliga ee ka muuqda degello badan oo Internetka ku yaal. Xogta lagu saarayo degelkan waxa ay kuu soo bixi afafka Soomaaliga iyo Ingiriisiga.

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The Somali Language blog is a forum for exchanging information about Somali language development to bring to the attention of readers and writers the importance of using Somali language rules of writing. It is the best way to stop the decline in Somali language reflected in many websites. Entries in this blog will be published in Somali and English.

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