Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Plagiarism in some Somali websites

A couple of weeks ago wardheernews published an
that had brought to the fore plagiarism in some Somali websites. Unlike plagiarised articles published in newspapers, the World Wide Web is not a place where a plagiarist can operate for a long time. Ismail C.Hassan's well researched article has raised awareness about widespread plagiarism in some Somali websites.

The plagiarised article belongs to Ahmed Abdi Heybe, a Somali applied linguist and one-time member of the former Somali Academy of Sciences and Arts. Mr Heybe wrote the piece on the history of Somali language, published in Somali websites several years ago. There is something odd about the way plagiarists plundered the work of Mr Heybe. One plagiarist gave the piece two by-lines. Another website published the same article with no by-line but with a photo of young man. Ismail's exposé might have persuaded the manager of the website in question to delete the by-line in order to minimise likely damage to its credibility. No website can be immune from blows to credibility caused by publishing a plagiarised piece. It is easier to check if an article was originally published in another website; googling the title or author's name or some sentences from the piece may deny a plagiarist an opportunity to take a website and its readers for a ride.

Plagiarism is now seen as a threat to higher education institutions.
Many universities have taken this threat seriously and enlisted the help of experts on combatting plagiarism. iParadigms is one of the companies that developed a software used to detect plagiarism in essays. Called Turnitin, it was used to bring to light plagiarism in Ann Coulter's book Godless. iParadigms, the company behind Turnitint, defines plagiarism as follows:

1-Turning in someone else's work as your own
2-Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
3-Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
4-Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
5-Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
5-Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not."

And this is what Professor Donna Mcewen at Friends University had to say about the usefulness of Turnitin®:

The new, quick turnaround has been wonderful. It's been wonderful just to have this site; the bulk of this class is writing. I tell students about the site and that every paper will be checked. I haven't had a problem since.

It is now time Somali websites join hands to fight plagiarism.

Sunday, 29 July 2007

Maahmaahyada iyo waayaha Soomaalida

Dr Georgi Kapchits, cilmi-baaraha u kuurgala suugaanta iyo dhaqanka Soomaalida, ayaa qormo kooban oo xiise badan ku soo saaray wardheernews.
Dr Georgi wuxuu qoray buugaag kala duwan; waxaa ka mid ah Qaamuuska Maahmaahyada Soomaaliyeed.

Somali Language at the Somali Studies Conference

Based on the preliminary program, Somali language related sessions at the Somali Studies International Association conference to be held in Ohio and Djibouti are small in number. This does not hide the fact that the small number of sessions at a major conference like the SSIA's affects the visibility of research into Somali language ( I assume a lot of research is conducted on my mother tongue.) More Somali language related research papers were presented at the first three SSIA conferences than those presented at the last three SSIA conferences.
The inclusion of a session on Somali caste system complements the sessions on Somali language for the Somali caste system is sustained through our oral tradition.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Somali as a medium of instruction

The successful use of Somali as a medium instruction in primary and secondary schools is always cited as a convincing example about the resilience of the Somali language and creativity of Somali educators and language specialists. Mohamed H. Rabi, a leading Somali linguist, and author of, among other books, two Somali grammar books, discusses
the role of Somali language in education and strategies used by Somali educators in their efforts to translate social and natural science subjects for the Somali national curriculum. Professor Rabi's paper touches on approaches used by Somali educators to facilitate the use of Somali as a medium of instruction. However, a couple of formulations in Professor Rabi's paper on the impact children's exposure to foreign language while " in their language environment" has on their critical thinking merits some discussion. Professor Rabi writes:
"A child’s language engulfs him like sea water engulfs a fish. If the water gets saturated with pollutants, the fish finds it difficult to extract oxygen to breathe. This affects its health. Similarly when foreign languages are exposed to children while they are living in their language environment during their formative years, the foreign languages serve as obstructive agents to their critical and creative thinking. This, of course, makes a child’s speech defective and his ideas become strange. Foreign languages saturate his talk and an alien culture his behavior." ( Italics mine)

Before Somali was introduced as a medium of instruction, Somalia was a trilingual nation: Arabic, English and Italian were used as medium of instruction. Those who came of age during Somalia's trilingual era spoke Somali but never read it because Somali language did not have an orthography. Those who spearheaded the use of Somali as a medium of instruction, and for the media as well as for the administration had earlier exposure to foreign languages. Parents did not have any other choice than getting their children educated in schools where Somali was not a medium of instruction. In fact Somali language owes much to the three languages that were widely used before it was reduced to a written language.

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Gang Culture is NOT Somali Culture

Almost two weeks ago I read a story in The Guardian on Kiyan Prince, a promising footballer, who was murdered by Hannad Hasan, a Somali refugee. My heart goes out to the parents of the late Kiyan.
The story contains the following paragraph:
" Hasan, a Somalian refugee, was reportedly obsessed with Somalian gang culture in the UK and was trying to impress members of the notorious Thug Fam who killed PC Sharon Beshenivsky, according to a source."
Why The Guardian used the adjective 'Somalian' to describe a gang culture that led to the murder of young boy is incomprehensible to me. The fact that the convicted is a Somali refugee does not warrant labelling a certain community. Gang culture is not things Somali, nor is attributable to any community. It is criminal activity.

Saturday, 14 July 2007

Dhinac u xaglinta iyo Laanta af Soomaaliga ee BBCda

Waxa isa soo taraya dhaliilaha kala duwan ee loo jeedinayo Laanta af Soomaaliga ee BBCda. Mar baan wax ka qoray sida Laanta af Soomaaliga BBCda ugu tumato xeerarka higgaadda af Soomaaliga iyo anshaxa warfidiyeennimada. Boobe Yuusuf Ducaale ayaa sidaa si ka sii qoto dheer u eegaya qaar ka mid ah iimaha hawleed ee Laanta gaar ahaan marka ay diyaarinayso doodaha. Boobe wuxuu dulmaray barnaamijyada doodaha ee Laanta af Soomaaliga soo abaabusho. Waa yaab haddii hoggaamiyayaasha af Soomaaliga ku hadla ee Geeska Afrika markay Allaystaan qaarna barnaamij doodeed loo sameeyo qaarna la iska hilmaamo. Boobe wuxuu arrintaa u arkaa dhinac u xaglin (bias) muujinaysa in warfidiyeenka Laanta af Soomaaliga aysan tixgelin run-ka-sheegga ( objectivity) waayaha iyo madaxda Soomaalida. Boobe wuxuu kale oo rumeysan yahay in taasi muujinayso in Laanta af Soomaaliga ee BBCda aysan wanaagga ka talinayn marka arrimaha Soomaaliya laga wareysto rag ay ka mid yihiin Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Barre iyo Maxamed Cali Samatar. Labada rag ee Boobe xusay waxay ka mid yihiin madaxdii Soomaaliya ka soo arrimmisay xilliggii Kacaanka.Wareysigoodu ma aha dhinac-u-xaglin waayo BBCdu waxa u yaal xeerkaab tafaftireed bannaynaya in la wareysto qof kasta oo sheekada la tabinayo ka mid ah. Markaa haddii, tusaale ahaan, koox ay eedaymo u soo jeediyaan Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Barre ama Maxamed Cali Samatar, BBCdu way wareysanaysaa siyaasiga si sheekadu aysan u dheelliyin.
Raggaa madaxda ahaan jiray marka dib loo eegayo kaalimahooda siyaasadeed waxa dhacda in qofba si u arko. Warfidiyeenka marnaba hawshiisu ma aha in uu qiimeeyo siyaasiga marka war la soo tebinayo ama waraysi la samaynayo. Weydiimo kala duwan waa la weydiin karaa siyaasiga. Qiimaynta waxaa leh qofka siyaasiga ka soo horjeeda iyo dhegeystayaasha wax ku goynaya hadba sida siyaasiga uga jawaabo dhaliilaha ama eedaymaha loo soo jeedsho ama bahda siyaasadeed ee uu ka soo jeedo. Waana iyaga kuwa sida ay arrinta ula muuqato wax uga sheegaya iyaga oo ku salaynaya waxa niyaddoodu doonayso kuna sii salaysan danahooda ama waxtabashadooda. Waa marka la oran karo bareerahoodu waa mid muujinaya sida ay u wax u dareensanyihiin ( subjective)-- way noqon kartaa mana noqon karto sida ay wax yihiin.

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Akhri mise Aqri

Ereyo badan oo af Soomaali ah ayaa qofba si u higgaadshaa. Ereyadan badankood waa kuwa laga soo amaahday afaf qalaad gaar ahaan af Carabiga. Dabacsanaan waa la muujin karaa marka la eegayo in qoraa uu adeegsaday xeerarka higgaadda af Soomaaliga haddii ereyada qaarkood yihiin kuwo la soo amaahday oo siyaabo kala duwan loogu dhawaaqo. Waxa jira erey aan layaabo sida loo higgaadsho. Waa akhri. Wuxuu ka soo jeedaa erey af Carabi ah oo marka la qorayo xarafka KH aan lagu higgaadin. Maxaa xarafka KH loogu higgaadshaa ereygan marka af Soomaali lagu qorayo?

Wareerka ka aloosan higgaadda ereygan waxa sii fiican oo aan ula kac ahayn loogu soo bandhigay qormadan. In kabadan 8 jeer ayaa ereygan marna akhri loo higgaadshay marna aqri. Sidoo kale akhriye ayaa noqday aqriye. Dooddu ma aha higgaaddee sax ah.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Higgaadda Toosi!

Inkastoo tirada mareegaha af Soomaaliga lagu soo saaro sii kordhayso, u-hoggaansami la'aanta xeerarka higgaadda af Soomaaliga waa mid sii kordhaysa iyaduba. Waxa aan akhriyey sheeko ku saabsan ergo u ambabixi doonta Muqdisho si ay uga qayb galaan shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee lagu wado in uu ka dhaco Muqdisho. Cinwaanka sheekada ayaa ii kala saari waayey in ay ergadu u socdaan gobolka Bari iyaga oo sii maraya Muqdisho iyo in kale!

Monday, 9 July 2007

GCSE Somali?

Somalis in the United Kingdom are eager to see Somali joining the rank of GCSE languages. The Somali lawyer, Asha Kin Dualeh, has recently made a strong case for a GCSE in Somali. “I would like to see Camden take a lead and lobby for GCSE courses in Somali,” Asha wrote in Camden New Journal. The head of a Camden school joined the campaign for a GCSE in Somali language.
While efforts to lobby for the introduction of a GCSE in Somali are laudable, a host of obstacles will have to be surmounted over:
1. Few Somali language schools
2. Low parental awareness about maintaining mother tongue for their children
3. Paucity of trained Somali language teachers and examiners
Somalis in UK can learn lessons from countries where Somali is taught in mainstream schools or as afterschool classes.

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Qoraal xiise badan leh ayaa lagu soo saaray degelka www.aftahan.org Wuxuu ku saabsan yahay faaqidaadda. Cinwaanka qoraalkaasi waa sidan: Suugaan la’aan waa aqoon la’aan. Qoraha maqaalka wuxuu faaqidaad u qeexay sidan:

“FAAQIDAAD (NAQDI): waa baaraandeg lagu sammeynayo qoraal amaba hadal, iyada oo wadar ahaan loo eegayo xiriirka ka dhexeeyo qeybihiisa kala duwan; si qoto dheer na looga faalloonayo.”

Waxa aan isweydiiyey: imisa qof ayaa faaqidi kara hawl faneed? Sow qof kuma filnaan karo faaqidaadda? Ka bogo maqaalkaa.

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An interesting Somali article was published in http://www.aftahan.org/ It is about literary criticism. The title of the piece is: to have no literature is to have no knowledge. The author of the piece defines criticism as:

"contemplation about a piece of writing, talk, while collectively looking at the link between its different parts, commenting on it in greater depth."
I asked myself: how many persons can criticise a work of art? Can’t one person do the criticism? Enjoy reading the piece http://www.aftahan.org/article.php?artid=53

Degelka af Soomaaliga waa madal la isku weydaarsado xogta ku saabsan horumarinta af Soomaaliga si loogu baraarujiyo akkristayaasha iyo qorayaasha waxtarka ay leedahay adeegsiga xeerarka qoraalka af Soomaaliga. Waa sida keliya keliya ee loo joojin karo hoos u dhaca ku yimid af Soomaliga ee ka muuqda degello badan oo Internetka ku yaal. Xogta lagu saarayo degelkan waxa ay kuu soo bixi afafka Soomaaliga iyo Ingiriisiga.

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The Somali Language blog is a forum for exchanging information about Somali language development to bring to the attention of readers and writers the importance of using Somali language rules of writing. It is the best way to stop the decline in Somali language reflected in many websites. Entries in this blog will be published in Somali and English.